How to install pizza oven insulation
The insulation of a wood fired oven in its construction is extremely important in ensuring that
the oven can reach the optimum temperature and operates in an efficient manner. The best
pizza can be prepared only at the high temperature of around 750 F (500 C). The exterior of
the pizza oven should be cooler than the temperature of the air there and if this is not the case
it may be because there is insufficient insulation.
Before construction of the oven insulation can begin the internal oven chamber or dome must
be completed. The dome is where the fire of the oven is built and heat primarily radiates.
To maintain the heat in this cooking area, insulation is placed to produce a barrier which
prevents the easy convection of heat away into the atmosphere. The shape and sizes of the oven
does not directly influence the type of insulation used. The thicker the insulation however generally
indicates the efficiency and potential use of the oven. The basics of insulating involve wrapping of
the oven, chimney, and vent by the use of the insulating fire blanket or other types of medium.
If using a concrete and vermiculite mixture a wire form is first placed over the dome to create a base
for placing the mixture. The vermiculite and Portland cement are mixed together well before adding
water to it. A paste is prepared and a layer of it is pasted on the oven such that it holds firmly to the
wire frame. The vermiculite concrete is used all around the dome of the oven, chimney and vent.
Matrix Industry China Limited offers various ceramic fiber heat insulation aterials, like ceramic fiber
blanket, ceramic fiber board, ceramic fiber paper, ceramic fiber module, ceramic fiber block, ceramic
fiber textile, ceramic fiber cloth,ceramic fiber yarn, ceramic fiber rope, ceramic fiber tape, ceramic fiber
sleeves, ceramic fiber pipes, ceramic fiber shapes,etc. More information, pls visit our website: or email us: Thanks a lot.
Ceramic fiber blankets / bats
For insulation of pizza oven this option is quite costly and most applicable for wood oven with limited
space. Several grades of bats are available in market. If it is wood oven, you can use lower grad.
Higher grade is used on hot face. You have to use ceramic fiber around the walls and top as well.
One thing you have to follow that you should not put any layer of mortar or other layer on it because
it will degrade the insulation capacity.
At the time of insulating pizza oven with ceramic fiber, you should were gloves, respiratory masks and
goggles because it produces sharp dust particles. This dust particle may cause allergy to you.
Sometimes ceramic fiber is found in form of fluff. You can push fluff into narrow areas. If you desire to
insulate your pizza oven with ceramic fiber, you can go to local refractory shop and ask them for ceramic
fiber. If you don't know how to insulate with this materiel, it will be better to hire professionals.
